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Data Visualization

A collection of collaborations, partnerships, and explorations.

Project roles

Graphic Designer, researcher

Gamestop Stock Trading boom

In 2021, Gamestop stock trading event shook the industry with its sudden spike. Graphics reminiscent of the iconic Super Mario universe display the sharp jump in stock price from January 26th to January 27th, resulting in a remarkable 135% increase.

Super Mario inspired data visualization of the 2021 Gamestock stock trading event

Audio Map: Commute from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan

This audio-visual map captures the sounds of my commute from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan. Follow the rhythms of the NYC subway system and see the peaks and troughs of the journey, offering a unique perspective on the city's heartbeat.

Audiovisual map of my commute from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan

The Waste Race: Visualizing Carbon Dioxide Emissions

At Oscar’s No Time to Waste events, they distribute pamphlets unveiling striking data revealing per capita Carbon Dioxide emissions across major nations. By comparing the average American's footprint (in red) to counterparts in China, India, Russia, and the UK, Oscar offers shocking insights into global emission trends.

Oscar translated data into relatable comparisons, showcasing the scale of the average American's yearly carbon output. For instance, did you know an average American emits the equivalent of 20,000 rolls of toilet paper, 91,300 plastic water bottles, or 14,000 loaves of bread annually? Oscar’s community events goal is to spark discussions about individual environmental impact in an accessible way.

An open trifold pamphlet visualization of how much countries pollute against their populations
An open trifold pamphlet visualization outside
 An open trifold pamphlet visualization outside detail

Good morning sleepy head!

See the emotions of waking up through this visualization providing insights from 2,000 Americans, ranging from motivation to grogginess, happiness to grumpiness, and even indifference.

Top 5 feelings after waking up data visualization

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